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When will I receive my manual after purchase?

Manuals marked as "Instant Download" in the title will be available immediately. However, some still need to be manually uploaded. This will most likely happen within an hour of purchase. Downloads will be sent to the email used at checkout. Please monitor your Spam/Junk folder for your download email.


How large are the files and how will the download work?

The PDF files vary from 5MB to a maximum of about 1000MB. The email you receive will contain a link that will provide your manual download. You can download the manual as many times as you'd like. Please save it to your computer and access it forever.


How will I open the PDF manual?

All of our manuals are PDF files that will open with Adobe reader or any PDF viewing software. If your computer does not have this software, it can be downloaded for free at:


Can I have the manual shipped to me?

If you would rather have the manual uploaded to a DVD or printed and bound we can do this. Please select the appropriate option upon checkout.


How will I be able to browse through the manual?

Almost all of our manuals contain a very easy to follow index. In the case that you have purchased a manual without an index, all manuals are fully searchable. This means that holding Ctrl and pressing “F” will open a search function in Adobe Reader, you can then search the entire manual for any specified word or phrase.


Are your service manuals printed by the manufacturer of the vehicle or by an aftermarket company like Clymer or Haynes?

Our manuals are all OEM factory service manuals; they have been written and printed by the original manufacturer of the product itself.


Is the manual mine forever?

Yes, once you have downloaded the file, make sure you save it to your computer. You can now access it as much and whenever you would like.


Can the manual do any harm to my computer?

No, there is absolutely no chance that one of our PDF manuals will cause any harm to your computer. If in the occasion that virus software tells you the file MAY contain a virus, I can assure you that it does not.


What if I am not happy with the manual?

If for any reason you aren’t satisfied with your manual please do not hesitate to contact us telling us how to improve your experience. If we can’t we will offer you a full money back guarantee. At ManualBoss there is no such thing as an unhappy customer!


Is this file compatible across all platforms?

Yes, most of our manuals will work across every operating system, mobile or tablet. If you encounter any compatibility issues please let us know and we will do our best to optimize the file for you.


Can I find these manuals online for free?

Some sites may offer much lower quality manuals for no charge. These sites may contain malicious files that can do damage to your computer. And most of the time, end up not even having the manual they claim to. Please be careful.


What is the best way to contact you with any questions, comments, or concerns I might have?

Please fill out the contact form on our Contact Us page.